Art appraisals

Vasari’s provides professional appraisals for fine and decorative art, such as modern and old master paintings, sculptures, drawings and furniture but also for artistic decorations of historical buildings, like frescoes, stucco and other ornaments.

Our valuations and assessments are carried out for various purposes:

•   the division or allocation of inheritances;

•   checks on capital and inventories;

•   insurance valuations for works of art;

•   'fair value' valuations for corporate-owned artworks following the IAS/IFRS compliance;

•   legal art and value related problems.

Works of art, apart from their obvious aesthetic and historical value have a monetary value too. Dealt with correctly, these objects whose economic value can be calculated or converted into liquid assets, is something that demands an accurate expert appraisal. Appraising a work of art requires considerable skill, technical expertise, years of practical experience and a broad cultural orientation. Therefore, it is essential to select experts who offer these abilities coupled with professional discretion.

The appraisal of works of art is an essential first step to division for family inheritances, probates, insurance contracts, purchases and sales.

Only when you know the exact value of an item, are you able to take the right steps in avoiding any costly mistakes, when buying, selling, insuring or disposing of works of art.

For more info and price requests, please write to:
ph. + 39 02 7398 1